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Changing listings with XpressGrid

Changing listings with XpressGrid

Listing details are managed via the columns in XpressGrid.

Column Purpose
Select (checkbox) To select the row for bulk edit. Ticking the checkbox in the header will select all rows.
Code A read only column showing the code of the product
eBay Title The eBay listing title
Images Shows a small thumbnail of the main product image. Click Edit to see and manage additional images
Base Price The base price of the product which is used as input to the formula functions on eBay Price (described below). Separating this value from eBay price facilitates importing of product data with cost price or RRP as the input as it can be adjusted with the eBat Price formulas, which remain unaffected by subsequent imports.
Stock Level The quantity available for sale on eBay. Keep in mind listing limits imposed by eBay when setting this value. It’s not always practical to list your entire inventory.
Listing Link A narrow column containing a visual representation of the link status
eBay Status The current status of the product. Shows Enabled on a light green background if the product is enabled or Disabled on a light red background if the product is disabled. The status values can be clicked to change the current status.
eBay Price [Collapsible] Used to adjust the price of the listing on eBay. See  Adjusting the base price for detailed information.
eBay Quantity [Collapsible] Used to adjust the quantity available on eBay. See  Setting the quantity available on eBay for detailed information.
eBay Categories [Collapsible] Used to adjust the eBay category and eBay Store category
Shipping [Collapsible] Used to adjust the shipping method, cost, handling and express options. See  How to set shipping rules for detailed information.
Returns [Collapsible] Used to adjust whether or not returns are accepted, return days, refund type, who pays return shipping and any additional return policy details.
Description [Collapsible] Used to edit the listing description (which defaults to the the product description) and Item Specifics
Bolded column names indicate columns which can be expanded for adjusting additional details or collapsed to minimise horizontal scrolling