Cancelling Xpress Lister – eBay listings won’t end

Cancelling Xpress Lister There is no contract term. You can request account cancellation at any time.  When you request account cancellation billing is suspended to ensure no further charges are levied against your account (refunds for cancellations part way through a month are not provided). Xpress Lister does not end eBay listings when accounts are cancelled. […]

eBay Active Content Ban in 2017 – What It Means For Sellers

 What is “Active Content”     Active content is found on eBay listings and store designs to provide enhanced functionality compared with simple listings and stores.  Active content includes JavaScript, Flash, and dynamic form actions such as buttons, tabs and search boxes.  Examples of items typically using active content are:  Feedback Widgets Custom search boxes Dynamic […]

Importing listings – switching to the Codisto eBay template

When you first import items from eBay to be managed by XpressLister. The description will come across as is and will not include the ImageSmart default Codisto template. This allows you the chance to review your current eBay description to ensure it complies and fits within the constraints of the template before switching over. You […]