Listing Duration, Format & Item Condition

eBay Listing Format, Duration and Item Condition Listing Format Xpress Lister will list items as Buy It Now.  Auction listings are not supported (85% of listings on eBay are Buy It Now).   Listing Duration The default listing duration is GTC (‘Good Til Cancelled’).  But it’s easy to change that setting on an individual product […]

Can I import/use my own product spreadsheet?

Import spreadsheet format You can use EITHER the Xpress Lister import template OR your own product spreadsheet that’s likely in a completely different format. Xpress Lister supports importing your own product catalogue without reformatting.  During the import process, you will be asked to ‘map’ your spreadsheet columns to the values Xpress Lister needs to create […]

Importing Item Specifics

  In this article, you will learn how to import item specifics that can be used in you additional listing details on eBay. More details in managing itemspecifics here: Now you can just click the Import button from the XpressGrid and follow the wizard. Full import instructions available here: Choose a file You can […]