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Different eBay Title and product name

Different eBay Title and product name

Each product in Xpress Lister has to have a Name. The product name can be imported and exported, so it can be managed either directly via Manage Listings or via import.

There is also an eBay Title column, which is the setting for what the title of the listing will be on eBay. This is not part of the import or export, so it can only be managed via the Manage Listings Xpress Grid.

By default the eBay Title will be the product name, so updating the product name will update the eBay title.

It is possible to update the eBay title independent of product name. If the eBay title is changed, then changes to product name will no longer automatically carry across to eBay Title, unless it is done so dynamically, as described below.

Dynamic eBay Title


The eBay Title can be set up to dynamically reference the product name. This can be very useful if you want to augment your default product names with additional information.

Example – Adding NEW to the beginning of the eBay title

The default is for eBay Title to be the same as Product Name:

When using dynamic eBay Titles, it’s worth showing the eBay Title Result column.

  1. Click the Columns button
  2. Tick eBay Title Result
  3. You will now see both eBay Title and eBay Title Result.

Now let’s change the eBay Title to reference the Product Name. Change eBay Title to:

NEW {Name}

You will new see that eBay Title Result has updated:

If the Product name is updated, the eBay Title will update automatically. 

As the title formula isn’t product specific, you can do Bulk Updates using XpressGrid to update all eBay Titles to the same formula, or combine it with Filtering with XpressGrid to update a subset.

More complex eBay Title formulas are possible too. You can include the product code. It is possible to put text in front of or behind the name. For example:

NEW {Name} ({Code}) – FREE SHIPPING