Xpress Lister

Quick & easy import from spreadsheets or existing eBay listings

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Importing listings – switching to the Codisto eBay template

Importing listings – switching to the Codisto eBay template

When you first import items from eBay to be managed by XpressLister. The description will come across as is and will not include the ImageSmart default Codisto template. This allows you the chance to review your current eBay description to ensure it complies and fits within the constraints of the template before switching over.

You can preview/edit the description from the ‘
Description‘ column in XpressGrid.

The best way to ensure compliance is to remove any merchant logos or templates that surround your main description so you are left with just plain text with minimal styling.

Once you are happy with the current state, you can switch the template from ‘blank’ to ‘default’ from the ‘
Template‘ column.

Use the Preview floating tab to review your changes and revise as necessary.