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Multi variant image selection

Multi variant image selection

It’s possible for images to change when a multi variant option is selected.  To achieve this:


1) The ‘parent’ product row must always contain an image (the first image that eBay displays is the first you list – other can be separated by a comma in the same column in the spreadsheet import).

2) The ‘child’ sku rows can contain images (ordered in the same way you wish them to be displayed and separated by commas in the same column of the spreadsheet import).

See attached file for example:



Product code SKU Code Title Price Description StockLevel Images Brand Color Size
code1234   Nice Poster   Big poster   https://myimages/RGB.jpg POSTERZ    
code1234 RedSmall   97   1 https://myimages/R.jpg POSTERZ Red Small
code1234 RedMedium   98   2   POSTERZ Red Medium
code1234 RedLarge   99   2   POSTERZ Red Large
code1234 BlueSmall   97   3 https://myimages/B.jpg POSTERZ Blue Small
code1234 BlueMedium   98   4   POSTERZ Blue Medium
code1234 BlueLarge   99   2   POSTERZ Blue Large
code1234 GreenSmall   97   1 https://myimages/G.jpg POSTERZ Green Small
code1234 GreenMedium   98   1   POSTERZ Green Medium
code1234 GreenLarge   99   3   POSTERZ Green Large