Xpress Lister

Quick & easy import from spreadsheets or existing eBay listings

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Xpress Lister sample import file

Xpress Lister sample import file

Using the Xpress Lister template import file

The import template file is in four color sections:

Orange – REQUIRED fields.  Import into Xpress Lister will not be successful without data in these columns.

Green – OPTIONAL fields.  Include data in these columns if you wish to supplement your listings.  (Images are optional during the import process because they can be added one by one in Xpress Lister but it is generally much faster to import them via URL – see importing Images).

Yellow – OPTIONAL Item Specific fields.  You can add more columns for additional/different item specifics.  During import you define which columns are Item Specifics and ‘map’ the columns.

Blue – REQUIRED FOR MULTI-VARIANT LISTINGS ONLY (ignored if no multi-variant listings are detected).  Multi-variant listings are detected by the presence of Parent/child ‘product and related sku’ codes – see example product import sheet.  You can add more columns for additional/different variant titles.  During import you define which columns are Variants and ‘map’ the columns.

Download the sample template file here https://xpresslister.codisto.com/files/Codisto-XpressLister-ImportTemplate.xlsx